Saturday, March 31, 2018

~To be so deep within even deeper to be without*

~There is no need to get there quickly when here already knows you have arrived~that is how things already are settled*
~One step closer into nowhere that somewhere is found*
~That to which cannot be taken away shall always remain here as it cannot be seen with mortal eyes but is the essence of all eternal*
~Your original face before your parents were born seen something that you just cannot see but it sees you*
~To not see what tomorrow brings us but to see before one came here that knew all the long*
~A ZEN* master must teach his students the same thing he knows~nothing at all*
~To look in such a way that what is seen sees the seer see the seen that the seer is*

~How simple life is as nature shows the correct way to live it~no past, no future, even no now~just flows*

~Stillness never hides~it incorporates all to see into*

Thursday, March 29, 2018

~What one is, is present*

~Conditioning may have pulled you away from your heart~patience which to me is stillness brings you back home to live in your origin~and home is where the heart is and happiness lives in such abode*

~In before knowing, a blank canvas is established~keep it that way and you will always know*

~Want will never evolve in wishing to know who you are right here~suffering still continues in the illusion of life*

~They have found the inner source of their well being~their heart is the rhythm, their pen is their blood~the author is their Soul*

~identity is never important~it shows how poor one really is that does not seek their own recognition from within~sad that the shell can never be used once again when what is within has started its journey to fruition*

~Only by choice that here stays solvent*

~When you can do nothing~What can you do?~everything that nothing knows about*

~It watches me~but as I observe it cannot get near enough to take me away as well~where I stand suffices always for what is beyond has its only concern for itself*

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

~No need to go any further with this~the truth of this stops here*
~The greatest achievement in mankind~to know what already knows you~you*

Warmth of spring
Clouds bring heartache
Ice on the pond is crying.*

Dom*Colucci © 2014

~Treading silently~the night has walked away with its covering only to reveal this wondrous place so openly*

~I can only wonder if there are mortal beings that are judges in heaven~how do they live in such place of Divinity?~thus then they all must be hypocrites*

~I chose to taste the sweet nectar of life as I hear those words so beautifully spoken by my Soul* within~the path is clear and what is forever been laid out for me was always here for me to see this~oh thank you with such gratitude and love*

~Now I know why butterflies are born~I just look into this garden and see forever abundance and its gift as well*

~The gift is yet to be shown~my suffering only increases~low that I know inside of myself that I am not the fool~something I realize turns away from ignorance~tho seems poignant to be this way~wisdom trumps the fool~I long for my eyes to be open with love*

~Lost in my intoxication~my heart is veiled not to see~behold that I am in a deep slumber~ignorance has chosen me to fall into its dream*

~The arrival of new beginnings~the wind walks softly and touches each tree in the forest with the delight to dance~what is the past has already let go~spring sets up new flowers and my heart blossoms this with love*

~I was not very wise in letting my heart get pulled away from its strings~lowly I stay here and contemplate the arrival of the fool~my life is no longer of its balance and now pay the penalty of having a broken heart~please let me see what is opened within once again~I dread the pain and suffering that awaits for me around the corner~yes I am the fool~sad this moment doth bring*

~Do not search for your heart~Soul*s can see this wherever they go~it is this moment that I look in your eyes and I am content in what I see within you now~let this moment be our eternity~yes I am in love with you*

~Everything is chosen to be in its proper place always~there is no deviation from that ever~another power sees it this way to be and one cannot break from such power that made that one to be in its presence ever*

~Breath of the moment~daunting stare into stillness~chose to be present as this is one's life~I am not separated from the whole to be what I am right here*

~Everyday we arise we miss the point and dance with ignorance once again~we do not really see what is keeping us in tune with it all as we all blind ourselves more in dribbled nonsense~yes we may see another day but it is because of all our cohesive ignorance that binds us into our conglomerated suffering~

~do you wish to be in tune with its frequency that we only create distortion in our own egos?~

~everything is where it is suppose to be but yet we wish to place it where it was never meant to be and that is how we just do not understand who we are and continue to hurt our very own heart*

~Who are these people that say they are us?*

~For I look not where it does not exist but see existence in where transparency can see me*

~Let us give prayer that receives prayer as then one prayer is all that is needed~hence it has merged as the Divine is one*

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

~Do not feel alone~for what is out there is not your Soul*

~If you suffered the agony and misery in your heart you have already accepted death and now the heart may be free for you to live once again as love conquers all*

~There can only be one in the mirror~and that one already sees without looking at itself*

~I will wait for you always~I know how much you wish to be one with me~I may leave but it is only momentary~but remember this in not seeing of me~I am always right here in such closeness~you are awakened just like me~the wisdom that you have is a candle lit into eternity*

~Faith is like a tree~that it allows its roots to do all the dirty work in keeping a solid foundation with wisdom and allowing it grow as high as it wishes and kiss the heaven above it entering it slowly, methodically and happily~in ZEN*~the tree itself is all that matters in what one sees it to be and that is all*

~Nothing came first~it was everything that came next that nothing allowed to be with~hence a myth was born*

~Happy is the man that has finally seen himself for the first time for the last time he did not exist*

~Let tomorrow search for me~the sun never chases itself to come back here once again~it just knows that the present is its home*

~It walked in silence and knew of what step that was coming up for when it looked behind it seen no steps at all~it was here before as it stood in the same place it seen itself as it does now* 

~We are so awake that we are watching ourselves dream our lives away*

~Digging deep for something always gives you a surface in its tiring*

~In order to see your own light~remember a light bulb goes inward as well~the other way is just total darkness*

~If you are waiting for nothing to happen~you just entered nirvana*

~What the face of yesterday looks like can be seen as well in the future it does not belong in*

~It is no-thing that can never be taken away~it knows its purpose in right where it is~peace*

~Before anything else is achieved~it is emptiness that is the highest form of teaching that that one is liberated from*

~The wall is not the obstacle~the wall is the teacher in showing you not to be your own obstacle~note its stubborn ignorance*

~Listen to the tree roots grow~wise is the one that remains perfectly still* 

~Practice not but correct what isn't*

~From a cloud that creates itself~seek not for you have been chosen*

~Desire is the longing for the next moment to happen~in its eagerness one tends to suffer that it is not happening right away~does the world get it when you are forcing yourself outward that something already knows where one stands where they are right here within?*

 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...