~I have never found what I was looking for~instead I see it the way it has always seen me*
Monday, April 30, 2018
~Mindfulness practice is just following the situations that lay before us~nothing special about living as what is laid out to you~just accept and it will allow you to move on~also you will always return with this back to where you start~you have to see this to be this for your own~that to which is given just follow through*
"Diamond Sutra
Chapter 1.
This is what I heard.
At one time the Buddha was staying in the Jeta Grove, near the city of Sravasti.
With him there was a community of 1,250 venerable monks and devoted disciples.
One day before dawn, the Buddha clothed himself, and along with his disciples took up his alms bowl and entered the city to beg for food door to door, as was his custom.
After he had returned and eaten, he put away his bowl and cloak, bathed his feet, and then sat with his legs crossed and body upright upon the seat arranged for him.
He began mindfully fixing his attention in front of himself, while many monks approached the Buddha, and showing great reverence, seated themselves around him."
~I have heard about towns without so many people in them~maybe each person knows of the next~I wonder how rumors last in a place that only has a handful of people~maybe the truth of that town is that each knows of themselves and no one else~what a peaceful non judgmental place to live in if those are its facts*
~How fictitious life is when we have to express ourselves through meanings of something made up along the way that seem they should be a past when found and then let go~only silence knows of how everything truly is and communicates this very well as in nature perfectly all the time~there is no "mind"~it was made up by man that does not know who he is*
~The human heart~the toughest organ of the human physical~why?~it has made us from its first cell during conception~if it can create us to be its whole then it truly can be amazing in any hardship it can face as it already knows the path regardless of what will happen along the path because it knows how to create without effort even through suffering as tho it knows no suffering at all from its essence called love*
Sunday, April 29, 2018
~The world remains the same in the awakened state~it is you that is the change as the only influence you have is the you that you never seen before but knows of what you are of its essence and cannot be a part of something that is outside of you that only that a lie will never tell of itself the truth*
~Seems it took us a long time to get to this point~we have been through so many things in our lives~amazing when we walk away from this reality we will no longer be of a physical going through all our motions but be our energy that goes with love~I know that we are all connected and bonded here for now~it has to be our love that we shall forever continue as one~I feel it in all of us*
~Let us not ponder in a dwelling of the past~I can only see it now that we enjoy what is laid out for us right here~I am not silly as those things that many believe that will come never do~one does not know how powerful it is in just being right here as this in what I see is truly the rest of my life that I have not seem to touch yet~yes this is the only place I ever long to be as I found what is within me that I looked for for too long~what an accomplishment indeed*
~Can you hear it the way all of space hears it as well?~so strange that it made all this for the view and placed me right in the middle of it like I created this for it all to happen~really?~I ask myself this~did I really make this all happen if I am standing in the middle of it as said?~seems I called myself here to be with it as well~now did I as I did?*
~Today's illusion goes beyond than what you can be~for today's illusion conforms you to what you are~humanness still makes us seek for something that is just not there as we lead ourselves away in making this world of Maya a better place to live in when it is punishing ourselves in the mockery what lives within us that knows~we have lost touch of who we are as we touch something that loses us with its touch*
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
~Two sides to every coin that debate over each other but when it drops the debate a third side emerges as it is upright, truthful and balanced~the side that holds both sides together but keeps them further apart~the center of that coin indeed (TAO*)~who do you take sides with?~look at the two that will you to be dominant with~they are both dead~really is that where you wish to be?
~What happens if you are dreaming of yourself as in the dream the you that is what you see is not dreaming of you but is awakened but does not allow you to be awaken but knows that you are still dreaming?~how do you communicate to the awakened one on the other side of that dream to break away from the reality you do not belong to in the first place?~you cannot go back dreaming*
Saturday, April 21, 2018
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~I had a dream last night that I was asleep~the only thing was is that I was awake~Hawkeye Pierce from M*A*S*H
~"Zen Master Seung Sahn (1927-2004) was one of the greatest Zen teachers of the 20th-century. And he always taught about world pea...