Wednesday, June 13, 2018

~Buddhas do not change the world~they change in who they always were then the world changes with them*
~In a calm peaceful state of stillness~even appearances fade away~you have touched an essence only created by emptiness as the only direction you now follow is no-thing at all*
~Nothing that sees is everything that nothing is*
~Dream while it flows to be awakened when it arrives at source*

~Martial artists master the moment with using energy from the other~they know how to create the art they are gifted with~this quote says just about the same*
~If you know who you are then there is no situation, problem or conflict in your life ever~why?~you already know who you are*

~Seek the day your first cell was created~then you will see the path within that already has for you right now*
~If life throws you a curve ball~remember if it does you still did not strike out*

~Why is life so screwed up?~conditioning while listening and watching others drowning in their sorrow we tend to follow them as misery loves company always~you reap what you sow~love the last line as there many, oh so many*

Sunday, June 10, 2018

~Eternal beauty~forever here*
A manifestation arrives
Bones and skin as dust
Within moves on eternally*
~Death knows of us all~What is there to hold onto?
~Spirit is carefree~are you?
~The lotus need not to be an intellect~as it knows when it arises it is already awakened*

~Not knowing is what I am~"everything that appears in the three worlds comes from mind~Buddhas of the past and future teach mind to mind without bothering definition"~from the Bloodstream Sermon"
~"Mind" should be clear~as tho it was a cloud that sponged in the essence of the sky to be opened*

~Beyond this "mind" you will never find another Buddha~hence what is one searching for if they are not seeing clearly about themselves right where they exist?~ignorance perhaps?*
~Neither a rich person nor poor~death will always be their truth~it is non prejudicial*
~Our replacements are already here~we just do not see them the way the ones before us did not see us here now~this is a truth we do not escape from indeed~ignorance leads us all back into reincarnation~how?~we are all still in the unconscious state of being*

~I believe that there is no time as all we are is just a fading dream that just walks away*

~Only the heavens above live in total peace~why?~it is because of silence~the total truth has no words~its silence explains all*

~When one sees their original face before their parents were born~they live in the origin meant for them before they ever came here to exist and seek nothing that leads them elsewhere*
~A true teacher is like an eagle~the parents nurture it then leave~the eaglet has to learn what its true nature is as well*

"Leave" it alone...that is why it is fall*

A monk at a ZEN* monastery was told by the ZEN* master to clean up the leaves in the yard. It was the end of fall and the yard needed to be attended to. So the monk set out to clean up the yard by raking it. When he was done he was proud of what he did to make the yard all tidied up.
So a good breeze came by and the wind took most of them away from the pile. The monk was now perplexed and confused as now he had to do his work over again to satisfy the ZEN* master's wish. So he hurried as fast as he could to put the pile back together in one big heap.
Then all of the sudden as you would not believe, the wind became more violent and blew all the leaves around the yard with no other choice but to wishfully buy more time in cleaning the yard up.
But to no avail that he had seen the ZEN* master coming down the pathway to inspect the monk's work.

When the ZEN* master came to the monk and looked out at the yard, of course the monk became very nervous, the ZEN* master was ready to say his words about how the yard looked. Nervous as the monk was, the ZEN* master with a look of discernment in his eyes exclaimed, "PERFECT!!!!!!...a job well done."

All things in life are meant to be the way they are suppose to be, we just have a tendency to correct them to look good in one's eye and not see the meaning why it is just that it is. A dirty floor will be cleaned but once again the floor after such cleaning becomes dirty once again. It has been dirty all the long. The emphasis should be placed on what is within that one to see that all things are already done as the Universe has already done so. In this case the Universe wished it to be left alone as it knows exactly what to do next with those leaves.
Dom*Colucci © 2013

~I believe I read something like this on yahoo once~so the credited goes to that one that wrote this as well*

~It starts from your heart~as that is the first that sees~for it is the most vital part throughout your body~it is your Soul*~this is what keeps you in existence~use it joyfully*
~The closest thing to an awakening is death~both are man's enemy as it is both that man detaches from his complacency*
~Struggle is our way of life conditioned only by the eyes that give it judgment~no one awakens with labels or descriptions*

Saturday, June 9, 2018

~Embrace the heavens that swallow all in its surround*

~When man can create things without touch~he then shall be in God's heart and eyes*

~Life becomes perfect in the eyes of God that knows it is home within the heart~you will never find this nowhere else but only here* 

~Let me know that I am a disciple of the present and the master that I sought is the wisdom of stillness that is forever in the surround*
~Only yesterday knew of this to be~there can be no longer of such place but here*

~You are pointed in the direction that is ahead of you~understand that and you will know all ahead of you has worked out for you as well~you did not fail yet~did you?~meaning you are still within your own presence alive and well~something loves you on this journey*

~Whatever is unfolding is a journey back to our hearts~the rougher the pass the more deeper we strive for its wisdom~love is on the other side of the gate~when we finally cross that~we now know that we have finally came home*

~There once was a rock all by itself near a stream~it just sat there absorbing its stillness~not longing for nothing~then as time went on moss started to develop around it~it kept coming and coming and before you know it~it consumed the rock all over~but the rock sat in stillness~the rock of course was not looking for this moss as it desired not a thing~seems the desire came from the moss itself enticing the rock to be of its temptation as it did its best in trying to penetrate the rock~but because the rock remained still it was not bothered by any desire that was coming its way even if the desire lived on it~moral of the story~stillness is wisdom and cannot be penetrated by something that is outside oneself but tapped into by the one within~all things begin here and one does not have to seek what is there~the wise are content where they are as a fool looks for that to which one can never adhere to that is already inside~hence you can almost say that the fool here was the moss*

Saturday, June 2, 2018

~The wind can find everything it wishes to find and gently leaves its mark on where it is loved*

~The omnipresence is everywhere~the Divine does not sit in a place to categorize us~only man does such things in "his" judgment to remove himself from the Divine*

~Even rocky roads settle in balance~they are not obstacles within themselves~see it the way they do and they will show you the way*

~The past no longer knows what you look like~keep what is closer to you within in taking such path that keeps you with the root of your heart and Soul*~stay present and enjoy what this is showing you as well~remember~there was no such place you just left from only what you see right now exists*

~A mountain does not seek another mountain as they all know of each other right where they are~stillness has no impedance in it as what is spoken clearly is its silence*

~Is it not true that it is a long way to get there~why doth strive over moving into distance when "there" does not even know who you are~but to establish placement right here that knows all in what is to be~movement in life can never be outside of yourself that inside already knows of perfectly*

 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...