Sunday, April 28, 2019

~Those that say do not know~those that know do not say~hence if one is not of a following knows their own truth by seeing what is within when one that takes up either opposition or the allowance in what is being presented with another person or group is a follower~in ZEN* the awaken only know of the whole to being centrally present and that can never be an attachment at all which is a following*

Saturday, April 27, 2019

~One that lives outside the box must face so many variables ahead of themselves that home, where they just came from becomes vacated and the path onward in every moment is becoming lost~home is where the heart is~one can never be outside of themselves where in  reality that is not where their life is*

~In the awakened state one notes that all one is is just a portrayal of being and not the "experience" one believes to be as to that one that has such "experience" it lacks spontaneity to let go~as in Buddhism one that walks every moment into existence is like water flowing in a river as it already knows the way in its movement and cannot look back at what was already taught~hence an empty "mind" is more likely to succeed than one that begins to fill up and cannot see*

Saturday, April 20, 2019

~All the answers of the Universe hold the questions that no one sees~*

~Whoever that has known me before I existed has known me throughout life and beyond~that to which it truly is shall never part from its place it took refuge in*

~Once~a place of seeing in its consistency~no other can be separate or parallel*

~When you learn what has made you from the beginning of your existence then you will know where to start off in your life and stay there~for it is love that made you with your heart and that has always known the path to everything that you will ever encounter and on such way you will change everything that is ahead of with such an enormous vibration and frequency it carries~this is direct as this is "God"*

Thursday, April 18, 2019

~"God" is the arrow, the aim, the breath and the target all in one and will never deviate from that at all*

~These are the words that "God" will never speak of as that one that understands this knows the reasons why~"hope", sometimes and doubt~"God" in the first word, "hope"  is always omnipresent and because of that one trust of the being that is always with that one in becoming the mountain and not climbing it~the second word that "God" will never know is sometimes~in being one with all in the Universe it is direct back at what it always knew and stays consistent with it and has no wonder of it being later as tho something is going through a maze of misdirections which this word almost mirrors the first word "hope"~the third word that "God" does not know is doubt as one that already knows in the workings of being in psynch it would be the workings of alignment and that would be direct and above all that would be "God"~these three words are my pet peeve and should never be used in search of who one is as in the applications of being one then these words are oblivious to being one from the get go*
~If now is always here~why then must we change to move forward~hence it seems we do not trust what is presently to be with*

Sunday, April 14, 2019

~Do not look forward but have your eyes see what is here as the being within you knows more of what is without~you can see that this being has made the direct path within your life from this right now*

~Everywhere I exist it has already been created including myself~hence it is my life that walks through a movie that Divinity has already viewed and scripted*
~He that learns to be empty shall be full~ZEN*
~Tho it has been said that if you feed a man a fish he will eat for that moment but to teach that same man to fish he will eat a lifetime~same rule of ZEN* in if you show a path to that man that leads back to himself and he becomes awaken he will no longer want as he has now learned his path and direction in why he is where he is his consistently~hence is he not of a world that is front of himself but is within the Universe instead*

Friday, April 12, 2019

~If one can see the origin of where the wind comes from~then they know of all things to be here from its start without end~that one has awoken without duality and the greatness of being one as the Universe*

~What is it called when the image in the mirror awaits for you to see it once again?~ego~anything that reflects of itself goes nowhere but its reflection~anything that emanates from within shows how much light can be cast into darkness in a world that is void of light to begin with*

Saturday, April 6, 2019

~How will you ever find heaven when all you seek in your life is hell?~do you ever listen to who you truly are within or believe what is outside of yourself to live other's truth that tell you?~a fool gets convinced but the wise know of what is present with them always*

~If you really want to go somewhere you first have to know who brought you here to be here with~other than that you are just going nowhere at all*

~if I am seeking it then how can I find it when there is no~thing to refer to as its substance? ~where does it come from if it is already a ...