Saturday, October 26, 2019

~A mountain’s truth is only realized by its very own stillness~then it sees itself always within~only then in its seeing it can no longer be a mountain but the truth*

Thursday, October 3, 2019

~Man fights over the "idea" which is the illusive reality when it is man himself that is not such reality but to pursue this puts himself more to be the "idea" instead of the man whom is true self*
~There is a truth beyond concept of true happiness and it goes like this~once one realized that exrenally the world that exists there is not the belonging of what the world is within~hence that one that sees internally knows not only of the joy the hidden teacher has been given its student all the long but also the journey back to origin where its  Soul* has known that one in the Divine higher consciousness that man seeks but that awakened one has already existed with~that man is no longer a participant in what is externally the awakened one calls the “idea”~there is never no longer of a cause to exist with condition hence it is already known and has moved on beyond such knowing*

~if I am seeking it then how can I find it when there is no~thing to refer to as its substance? ~where does it come from if it is already a ...