~to know the way in the life you are here now with~one must know the way back to their origin and to get back there in which it is here then one must have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude as the moment that the first cell that came into consciousness was the heart cell and that was the first essence of spirituality that one has inherited~if that one knows of this then one's direction will always be true in every endeavor that enters each moment that the present sits in the middle of~God loves you and that is the very first thing one shpould see when their eyes are opened eternally~
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Sunday, August 1, 2021
~someone asked me once if the world is flat?~I said yes and in their amazement I had a simple explanation to it~that everywhere you are going you are only in that one physical body you have and the external world is just a movie screen being portrayed by your consciousness your attitude is giving you~hence the only real that is your truth is right where your existence is right where you stand~if you look at this deeper you will notice your suffering begins to diminish as well~I mean you are not going to fall off the earth but you will fall out of a false rendition of what you once viewed in its dimension~
~when all has disappeared in the external world and now has been reviewed as being flat without substance then your eyes will see the real truth inward in which you have been from many kalpas previously~the great wheel of suffering has diminished and the point in where you are is the center of being that to which all wisdom spews from the fountain of higher consciousness~you have returned home where you always have been as the past and the future collide with each other no longer to be seen as a reality for that eternal being being within but was once an attachment for the suffering physical that now no longer exists~there is no explanation to seek no longer~no craving or event or even words even if they are real but they are real only to those that have not seen who they are in the awakened state of being~silence is the voice of direction and stillness leaves you contented like how a mountain enjoys the ride it takes watching duality try and win its position from day to night~
~if you look at a lake that is so pristine as at a distance if there is a mountain near it~that to which it is will reflect into it making a mirror image of it~this in turn tho beautiful to see is false~but if you are standing on the shore looking at this reflection and take a look down into that lake you will notice how crystal clear the bottom of where you are standing becomes~the closer you are within self the truer that knows of you within becomes~when this finally realized your journey has stopped externally and the real starts taking its place~wisdom is your Source and is a fountain that you were inherited with~that is where true self stands eternal with you~it is only when you are no longer interested in what an external world offers and start seeing what really does that made you whole with it and that is your SOUL*~
~take another look at the the point of where the mountain meets the lake as even the mountain itself seeks that internal point to be of its own true self even tho it is an illusion but still it is reaching the origin in where it came from~that point~
~the human brain and mind has two hemispheres to it~both were meant to work in conjunction to itself~hence if one that awakens knows the essence of both sides to open the pineal gland or third eye~that is the light within your SOUL*~the left side is the logical material being side as the right is the spiritual side where wisdom and understanding come from~this is why when you look at a balanced part of life it comes from both areas and allows the third eye to be that guidance of what the SOUL* already knows your life is to be taking you to~once again look at the point at which the mountain meets the lake~enjoy as life is exceptionally well and great~happiness lives in abundance when the being is finally awakened~
~as a matter of fact that physical being no longer feels like a physical entity but because of its balance dead on center it becomes the heighten state of nothingness and higher consciousness but love and connected to its Source and becomes a physical spirit instead~
~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...
~"Zen Master Seung Sahn (1927-2004) was one of the greatest Zen teachers of the 20th-century. And he always taught about world pea...