Wednesday, July 27, 2022

 ~a river will never have a memory~it will always move ahead knowing it goes back to Source-

 ~the mirror ends when you see true self once and for all~

Saturday, July 9, 2022

 ~to those that live for the future there is only an expiration date with your name on it~so in seeking such place you will never know why you were meant to be here in the present~as you seem to miss the point that all of your physical being was meant to be placed right here and now~if you strongly believe in God you will note that this present is where you will find not only your heart that makes you alive but God or Divine Source as well in infinite wisdom~no one has ever came back in telling what the future looks like because they have perished and placed themselves in the dust they were made of in the first place~

~enjoy your life now and seek what makes you alive within~you will be amazed in your very own awakening~

Friday, July 8, 2022

 ~a person met God one day and asked Him~”where am I going?”~ God said~”Be quiet and will tell you then”~

~2 hours goes by and the person asked God once again~”where am I going?”~and God said~“Be quiet and I will tell you then”~

~4 days goes by and the person asks~”where am I going?”~but God did not answer and that person got frustrated but it dawned upon that person because the person got what God said and he became quiet and knew right where he was always meant to be~here and nowhere else~do you understand this?~

~to the enlightened I know you do~

~I had a dream last night that I was asleep~the only thing was is that I was awake~Hawkeye Pierce from M*A*S*H