Monday, November 27, 2023

 ~So it is written that Jesus Christ has died then was risen then He will come again~in observing this that from from what I see He has seen all this before it happened and before He came into consciousness~hence we are of the same it is just that the suppression we receive is from others in not knowing who we are but what they wish us to be~in the awaken state by the Akashic records which no person can suppress it followed you always and one day you will see your awakened true self as those who still suppress will never see because of the attachment of the material prison they cling to and that is sad for them~it is very doubtful that an elitist can see who they are because in what they veiled themselves with~

Friday, November 24, 2023

 ~the only resistance that mankind has is that he has eyes that cannot see who he is but instead sees with eyes that search because he is lost and somehow believes he needs to be fulfilled in an imaginary world that has always lied to him without his oneness through his Divine source~to me that is sad and it seems he is putting a world together that never should have touched and was never broken in the first place~

Thursday, November 16, 2023

 ~The root of a tree is its wisdom and guidance to be successful in its next endeavor it embarks upon. It simply knows without knowing the direction it already knows from preconception. The root is the only material substance that grows from its Source as this is love from a greater being of consciousness in its guidance to expand on its already known path~

 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...