Thursday, April 11, 2024

 ~Act as tho you have been here before because you have~if that is not true what are you doing here now? ~


  • ~I was here before as I am here now~it was only through thoughts that drug me down as anchors in my consciousness that I removed such things and became aware~after that I have seen this and not to be that~as now, here becomes and all that was, will never be again~see it?

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 ~a rock that sinks to the bottom of a pond knows right where it is. for now it is at home and does not need to go further as its depths are where it is and not where it sunk to~

  ~if I am seeking it then how can I find it when there is no~thing to refer to as its substance? ~where does it come from if it is already ...