Sunday, December 15, 2024

 ~What you see before you came here is the same thing you see when you are gone~

 ~Do not expect nothing beyond here as what is beyond here does not expect you as well anytime soon. Enjoy ~what right now means~it is all you will ever have~

Thursday, December 12, 2024

~the key of all ignorance is holding onto a memory , past, present and future and not know that the entire life of living this is that wherever that unconscious being meaning not awakened steps into, everything in that physical being’s life in becoming its own memory and being lost to the day one’s eyes shut forever~

 ~close observation of external living human being shows that without regards to the physical body it has been noticed that the internal Consciousness moves about in the freedom of the void~hence that consciousness is the same texture of the void or space~

~further examination of this is that where is this consciousness connected to be in existence and what is its purpose in where it is placed~

~what is the need of the physical then if it is play acting in an illusion called the matrix~could this being be really free and does not know if it’s own freedom?~I say yes~not only is it free but awakened as well~

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

 ~the whole world wants to change something to make it a better place to live in but little do they know about changing such world they are dying inside~no one to this day has changed nothing to cheat death and that is the ultimate awakening to be in that change~if you can cheat death then you have changed nothing to the world but the whole Universe~the rest is just window dressing with a fake smile to die into or it is called a lie~and it is portrayed by every living being on the planet~

 ~You can find it anywhere but you will never see it~because in what you see, sees you instead~


 ~Bodhichitta or “awakened mind”~

~This is the Ultimate Truth in humanity because it points directly back at the “true self” within that never lives a lie it was conditioned to be of the world with but instead be in it~

 ~The great ZEN* master, Dogen came back from China to Japan and was confronted by some monks at the monastery they stayed at. The monks asked Dogen, “what wisdom did you bring to us from your stay in China, Dogen?” Dogen replied with a smile and said that, “the eyes are horizontal and the nose is vertical”.~

~To the enlightened one they will know perfectly what this means~


~The Great Completion~

~The number one reason why humanity suffers today is because of being a desire for attachments no matter what they are. That is not what a human SOUL* was meant to be. Only a certain number of masters have awakened from that world and are no longer attached to it.

In an egoless reality there is no duality as duality is a cause to condition to a KARMIC world. In that non egoless world, the Divine Source is now connected to that to which is awakened. Hence this is called completeness which if one looks all around, they will not find it only when one is awakened within for that is where life begins in the first place. As that is where the heart cell was the first step into existence into consciousness. Many have lost touch with that and will wither away in not knowing why they came here in the first place indeed.

Do you really know who you are or are you faking it in incompleteness in walking into ignorance consistently?

“One” refers to being complete and not dual. Hence many still eat from the tree of knowledge trying to understand what is good for them and what is bad. This is KARMIC too.

Monday, December 9, 2024

 ~you may believe you have control in your life but you don’t~if you only trust the process in where all things are taking you will be successful without control~a leaf that falls from a tree that lands in a stream knows that now it enjoys the journey no matter how turbulent the water is and because of this it is successful right where it stays presently~

 ~ZEN* says you can make a hell into heaven and a heaven into hell~

~hence then always remember the life you are in is the hell you know that had an expiration date on it~

~if you did not learn the lesson from it then your SOUL* lives on with it and there is no return for you to come back to the heaven you were suppose to make of the hell you lived in~

 ~the only resistance we have is the eyes we cannot see ourselves right where we stand without a mirror~

 ~the wheel that is round can only roll perfectly on one side~


 ~before the”mind” was born there was always emptiness to hold it~

 ~do you know what you are looking at if you cannot see you?~

 ~neutral waters make a boat sail without effort to its destination~only when it sides with one another, then the waters become turbulent~who then could you possibly be if you are not neutral~a fool?~possibly~

 ~the only nonsense a person endures is waking up everyday not knowing who they are and probably never will~

 ~if it was not for rivers the ocean would not be as it takes one drop of water to make this creation~

 ~two most important days of your life~the day you were born and the day you know any you came here~

~nothing else matters~

 ~it is much easier to carry an empty cup and be full than to carry a full cup and do its best to make it empty~

 ~to not hear a word but listen to has not been spoken~

~silence manifests all things~

~Maharishi Mahesh~

 ~The Lotus Sutra~


~meaning established a deep seated enduring genuine happiness~it’s the ultimate Truth and Law~

 ~man is the only species that is search of a horse while riding the one he was given~

 ~the Universe has no goals as it already knows in its function what it is capable in it’s doing and suffices where it is as it knows both opposites as they pull each other away but at the same time have the similar attraction~

~man is the only one lost in his KARMIC circle and believes he had goals to pursue but there is no goal to attain as he fools himself always living in a puzzle he has made to get out of but knows nothing that he is already out of it~

~let him keep sleeping in his own dream that keeps his being lazy with eyes veiled by his very own ignorance~

Saturday, December 7, 2024

 ~the only memory you should have is the one that you have seen who you are before you ever became a being into consciousness~other than all your memories were rotted tomatoes~to this day if your consciousness is not awake you still are dreaming as that rotted tomato~

~I had a dream last night that I was asleep~the only thing was is that I was awake~Hawkeye Pierce from M*A*S*H