Saturday, March 24, 2018

~What is real?~Mara to Buddha~"I have proof I exist Buddha~where is yours?"~Buddha to Mara as he touches the ground with his two fingers on his right hand~"the ground I stand on is the only proof"~"then Buddha" exclaims Mara~"who is your witness?"~Buddha to Mara~"you are Mara"~Mara disappears and Buddha is awakened~

"one " only exists where they are~many believe what is outside of themselves is existing but all it is is a recognition in a happening that has nothing to do with Buddha nature or true "self" within~hence that one that does believe in such scenario is living an illusion of lies and not themselves in knowing who created them where they stand~do they?*

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 ~Many eons have gone by as it was once that a rock took a walk and found out that right where it always was it now knows that what it sat o...