Saturday, March 24, 2018

~Sit tight and be patient~you are not gonna leave this existence until your intention is fulfilled~you will only not see your intention the more you wish it to hurry up to get to you as in the meantime you are living resistance and nothing cannot manifest from this but more struggle and misery~your Soul* knows of the proper moment to fulfill this as it was the Soul* that made you see this before it ever happened and wishes you total enjoyment when you receive it~

~analogy of this is like building a train before the tracks are laid~if you do not build the tracks first how are gonna get the idea of having a train sit on for a wonderful ride?~one has to be patient before the other arrives*

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 ~Many eons have gone by as it was once that a rock took a walk and found out that right where it always was it now knows that what it sat o...