Sunday, May 27, 2018

~If everyone has pain in their life and is carrying a burden and wonders why this is possible is because one can view a hub on the wheel when started out~as time went on one did not know of the way to continue in its stability and took on many anchors that did not give that one balance~as instead one became care taker of things and not themselves in keeping balance that one was inherently brought in this world with that wisdom within~hence the wheel went wobbly because that one went to seek on the spokes to the rim and did not stay in that place where everything evolves in their life ~if one is on the correct path as was when one was at youth and knew of their heart then one will continue to be aligned of every single thing that enters their life as what enters their life is themselves without ever making one move~why?~the hub is balance and need no-thing to anchor to its scales as it stays without cause to be home in its origin that knows themselves better~pain and suffering comes from not being aligned in awareness that should be crystal clear *

1 comment:

 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...