Sunday, May 27, 2018

~Many will wake up with today's problems and hold onto yesterday's situations as well~but yet they are there they are all made up on the wheel of suffering that will always continue until that moment one has let go of being of the world and now being in the world~your life is a hub of wonder for you~not of disparity to follow someone or something else~what is being shown of that world is how KARMA keeps revolving more and more~and to be caught up with that nonsense you are its invited guest to join with~life is the center of all things and it starts within from your heart and Soul*~not nonsense that is something outside of yourself that will always continue as it has for oh sooo many years~correct?~nothing outside of yourself has never been enlightened in the society of mankind ever*

1 comment:

 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...