Monday, May 7, 2018

~The highest virtue one can strive for is love and that love can only be found in one's heart~but we tend to deviate from this in our conditioning which surrounds us~as we, in the beginning start out with that feeling of nurturing and love~along our journey through life shows us the KARMIC path from previous incarnations that we seem we do not know about~only few will see this and become more aware as time moves on in their life in knowing that something is not working out as it was "thought" to be~

~in a shift that happens awareness is seen of something we pay more attention to in what really we lost touch in through its conditioning from previous~as we move on with such awareness we become inquisitive in what is unfolding in our lives that now we tend to move away from what we believe was a gifted life but know that it was anchors, despair, misery and suffering to push ahead in being possessed by material substance~we note that in this shift that it really has no value in our lives in being within such possessions as we now begin to see as our eyes turn inward and a truth becomes more and more revealing in what has always been here in not seeing this~we also begin to see how KARMA works as from our hearts we give more compassion to others as we look at others and say this could be us and we instead we wish only they themselves be released from suffering as much as us we now know of~

~a mentor has appeared in my life awhile ago in two of meditations~it was Amitābha Buddha~who has shown me a place where all is emanating of pure light and clarity~no stain can ever be attached to what it does not know of~hence KARMA is released and balance is restored and the path is no longer a place to strive for as you are aligned with all that is within thyself in the immediate that you are the whole of~the voice of intuition has already guided you to what is in the immediate as well~it is tho you have no effort at all and the ZEN* koan of one hand clapping exists in your guidance of what is here within you as well~hence the heart that was the first cell in consciousness to make the whole will make the journey complete as well~as love protects and guides that one back to origin always and sees the love of God in its process in returning there(here) as well~

~this is my own personal take on coming back home to an awakened Soul*

1 comment:

 ~Many eons have gone by as it was once that a rock took a walk and found out that right where it always was it now knows that what it sat o...