Sunday, July 1, 2018

~When one sees grace in action~then heaven is being slowly revealed to that one as it is psynchronicity of who you are to the Universe is in action and the only thing one needs to do is follow through as the heart is finally in rhythm with divinity*
~Emptiness forms everything*
~When you finally walk away from your "own" body~then you will be awakened*

~Do you desire for self?~did you ever see self?~if not then why do you suffer with something that you cannot see?~this is Number 8 of the 10 picture ox-herdsman*

~Number 8~

~The Ox and the Man Both Gone out of Sight.

All confusion is set aside, and serenity alone prevails; even the idea of holiness does not obtain. He does not linger about where the Buddha is.

And as to where there is no Buddha he speedily passes by.

When there exists no form of dualism, even a thousand-eyed one fails to detect a loop-hole.
A holiness before which birds offer flowers is but a farce.

All is empty-the whip, the rope, the man, and the ox: Who can ever survey the vastness of heaven?

Over the furnace burning ablaze, not a flake of snow~
~God walks through mankind but does not see his suffering~God is not the physical of man but only his image*
~Awakened one awaits for you and knows the one you are that is not that you believe that is*

~The sun never follows itself and the wind does not grasp in what it chases~shows how much mankind has a long way to go in knowing who he always was*
~How does one get out of what is within when what is without needs to get within?*

~When man has no "mind" (mushin) then he can see properly without obstacles that this so called illusion places there*

~How soon can now be delivered?*

~painting by Richard S Johnson~
~There is something inside that outside will never belong to and to this date~outside still does not know it exists*

~To seek in a destination one becomes objective in setting this goal~but we note the separation of what is there and not what is here~the captain of one's own life controls right where he stands as he never left this place~as he is not a destination at all when he holds the origin always*

~I came across a place that was only known to itself~when I left, it remained the same and never seen me again~it was my life that was in this place*

~Fear knows how much you believe in yourself*

~I await a long time but in such patience that I do so~I have already seen what has come in my life and it was "you" that made me see this*

~The purest form of life is in stillness~yet all is in the surround why doth form be created by formless if it is not as pure as formless always is?*
~Forever will always be~it erases the past and future at the same time*

~if I am seeking it then how can I find it when there is no~thing to refer to as its substance? ~where does it come from if it is already a ...