Sunday, July 1, 2018

~Do you desire for self?~did you ever see self?~if not then why do you suffer with something that you cannot see?~this is Number 8 of the 10 picture ox-herdsman*

~Number 8~

~The Ox and the Man Both Gone out of Sight.

All confusion is set aside, and serenity alone prevails; even the idea of holiness does not obtain. He does not linger about where the Buddha is.

And as to where there is no Buddha he speedily passes by.

When there exists no form of dualism, even a thousand-eyed one fails to detect a loop-hole.
A holiness before which birds offer flowers is but a farce.

All is empty-the whip, the rope, the man, and the ox: Who can ever survey the vastness of heaven?

Over the furnace burning ablaze, not a flake of snow~

1 comment:

  1. ~image from google images~quote from the internet about the ox and man both gone~


 ~ What you see before you came here is the same thing you see when you are gone~