Sunday, June 13, 2021


~Jesus Christ said before he was crucified to Pontius Pilate as Pontius Pilate asked him who he is~and Jesus's reply was~ "I am the way, the life and the truth"~and Pontius Pilate asked Jesus~"what is the truth?"~Jesus said nothing in reply meaning that the truth has no explanation but it shows its directedness in pointing back in what is real and only one with no judgment can see it perfectly~if you believe in an outer world where beings are it is a lie and those that seek such beings do not see the way, the life and the truth as only that can come within yourself as another cannot administer that~why people follow others is only taught through fear from man and their ego which is ignorance~


 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...