Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 ~the moment you realize who you are and the mirror no longer is a place you are looking at yourself in or now it is you on the other side of you, you have then crossed over in a remarkable awakening that the dream is now over with your very own deja vu that you see you now instead~it is in the Akashic Records that has recorded everything you did in the past present and future in which al of your life was predetermined up until the point you have figured this out and need it not no more~the last part of you taht HE FINAL HE IN EXILE is that deja vu when you know the reason why there were coincidences in your life but it is the inner you that now explains it while you see you without a mirror to reflect in~sort of OBE but not~when you cross over to taht that which known of you all through your life you are aligned centrally and depending if you have dharma to fulfill somehow you kinda move up to teaching another about themselves as well without words or actions~sort of like when Shakimonya pulled the lotus out of the pond and Mahakashapa knew exactly what that meant~that is the perfect awakening into Pure land and Bliss~Namo Amitabha Buddha~

~many things are now moving rapidly in my life to getting to the CORE or origin of my birth~as this has never left me you or anyone but the whole world is being suppressed to follow the other way of the awakening~I had two awakened truths  one in 1975 and one in 1985 and a slight correction after 22 years of suffering in 2007~the amazing thing at getting these epiphanies it has lead me to a dream I had during the 1985 awakened truth~

~I was at a restaurant with my mother, sister and a friend I use to know at work~at the restaurant I noticed everyone had a golden veil around their heads~now the golden veil is mentioned in Jewish mysticism in Kabbalah~as this is the ego we all maintain more than letting go and seeing what God's purpose is for us in our inheret birth right in wisdom and alignment and to me it has nothing to do with humanity outside itself but more of a direction where to go within that is attracted by the SOUL* from God~OK back at my veil as the veil is ignorance which in fact is original sin because we ignore of what is within us and become complacent to what is outside instead~that means everything~so my veil got eye length and it which was the inner me at me and remarked without words and I heard a voice say that was me ~"I know the reason why we have coincidences"~for years I never knew what that meant until recently when I was shown that everything we think do and say has already been predetermined by a consciousness that places us where it desires to make all of those things run like a show to fulfill and illusion~

~and that is where I noted that if that is not true then the Buddha and the Akashic records was not true~intuition is fake and deja vu does not exist~but all three what I just mentioned are facts of truth~by delving a little deeper the one that breaks away from all I just wrote is now awakened in which has no part of a cause to conditioned world and is totally liberated from a physical being that is impermenant to a physical spirit that is born again~

~the 4 Chinese characters in  ZEN* are~to suffer~in which man is doing now by attaching on to a desire to keep his dream alive and the strong desire not to let go~joy~in which the detacvhment process is successful and that one realizes that all things he use to desire foir show him no purpose~lov~he has a deeper connection of why he is alive and the bliss he has found while he enters the other side of himself in an awakened consciousness and to forget~he has no memory of where he came from has he broke the KARMIC cycle that made him relive his life over and over in his being that really served him no purpose as the born again part he becomes the child he always had but forgot about it by his maintenance to objects and agendas that made him have diseases and stress~

~yes when one knows the reason why they have coincidences in their life and see it then they can finally break away from the Great Mahayana in realizing of this world serves that one nothing but suffering but in this world he returns back to his true nature and knows exactly without knowing why he is here~I am still a bit of a work in progress but this definitely blows my mind especially after listening to so many people on a path to an awakening and to me they are soooo far off from being that~first of all they speak of an awakening but it seems they are doing it with an ego and still attached to their money in showing you programs to get there~HA~it is then called BS~the only one that can achieve their awakening is the individual themselves~

~so with this in passing I go by what Bodhidharma the founder of ZEN* said after he awakened in the cave in China to Huike~"many will follow only few will know of this"~so true to date~before if you decide to take that journey I have seen already there is still danger of being the ego's prison for a lifetime as it is you that made it possible indeed to exist and be complacent with you~

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

 ~man's pain begins with his mouth~as he invites the saying of it, the mind follows through with his request and then manifests it into his glory to endure a long suffering indeed~a pity that his tongue was only meant for the sensation of culinary delights and silence was to hear who he truly is~

~the center never leaves where it has been placed~it has no desires, attachments or reason to do so~it is wisdom that sees above all without effort in knowing nothing that it is not needed ever~when you are at balance, it is peace and harmony that psynchs all things to be in tune with clarity~ 

 ~a river has no memories~its flow brings itself back to Source and mingles as one eternally~

 ~how many ginger ale bubbles are there before it goes flat?~one~after that it has achieved its freedom from a gaseous state~

Sunday, March 20, 2022

 ~I have found no one that has convinced me from the word of God yet but what my SOUL* has already seen me with Him*~Psalms 118:8~"trust no man~seek refuge in God"~

 ~one will never know who they are while they look and search for an external savior while that one that brought them in the world has already seen their life right here and gives them the wisdom they will need to fulfill every step they take up until the physical realm has no longer existed~do you remember what the snake did to Eve in the Garden of Eden in the tree of knowledge~it tempted her into being an external deity with power in which it made all of humanity lost and is still lost in listening to others to this date~the Tree of Life has always been within mankind it is just that they love their prison they feel comfortable in in striving to get out of it~period~

 ~heaven is a place where no identity or recognition is rewarded or even known as it does not seek merit for "good" things an ego wishes from~the only thing one is, is that they are eternally free from an invisible prison no one knew that were in while they believed they were alive~

 ~to err is human~to love is divine~but to awakened is above all the greatest achievment as where once I use to dream in suffering~

 ~everywhere I am placed~every footprint that has been~all of where I am going has disappeared while I move into eternity~the only markers that I have made where a part of a dream that I did not know about who was always within awakened~

 ~everything we are doing right now is history~the end of all things in our life has been fulfilled~why does humanity worry if all we are is atoms that were formed as humans~it is the tapping within to reach our desired energy~that is what is pulling us through life~

Saturday, March 19, 2022

 ~in my experience on the subject of an awakening is~say we are a humanity filled with listeners, talkers and movers and say that we all at the same time are doing just that~who or what do you suppose did that?~was it you was it the one that attracted you?~or was it a consciousness that is making it happen while we are all in its dream~as everything that is being is already been done~a sort of predetermination by an observed consciousness that knows the everything we have done are doing and will do~seems this forms under the Akashic records~it is only when that one slips through that dream state consciousness that binds everyone in its predetermination it is making all to act upon~so while everyone is "trying" to figure out in an unconsious world in what an awakening is they will never break free from that consciousness that keeps observing where we are predeterminally placed by said consciousness~it is almost like stepping out of a mirror when one becomes awakened and not said things about so called people who have not stepped out of the mirror to explain what is awakening while still living in a world filled with cause to condition~once that being steps out of that mirror they can never be a part of that world they just stepped out of again but only if their dharma sends them back to show by using no words to another individual to be their hidden teacher as well~so this is why you will never see a true awakening on the news, youtube, through friends and social media and even paid seminars or temples~why?~they are needed no long of so called I just mentioned about cause to condition~to me I am still a work in progress but understand this path so well~breaking free from the egoic bubble in reflection to this is that awakening and the next advanced level of evolution to be in~not a candy coated talk about a dissected example that is not this being I exist in~

Thursday, March 3, 2022

 ~If you wish to know who your true self is see it as that without any external interference~how else does a river knows it is already an ocean~you cannot be what the river is if you seek other people to follow them can you?~they are all in an external world where the majority of them will always be lost in not knowing who they are but know their ego better~that is called the original sin and that is ignorance~

  ~I have found a woman who had a lot of common sense in what she said~she said that the human brain and mind is an item that is always brought into the present or here and now and was never meant to go any further than that and that makes perfect sense~

~why? ~

~where is your whole physical body at right now?~present~where are you organs which is a vital part of your physical body~right here right?~so if you need to have your body function properly where should it be always~right here and now~

~sucks to those who believe in a future when if that is the case, they are leaving their body and its organs with its functions right  here to have stress and cause to get sick and die~seems like a future to me would be death and to those who so and have been ignorant with that as their original sin not knowing who they truly are~HA!!!~have to come back here to see this all over again~

 ~The biggest problem with all of mankind is that they all listen to someone else and take their word as gospel but in fact if the Bible is telling the truth about the Garden of Eden and the tree of knowledge I guess that is where it all began when Eve listened to the snake to be informed then~HA!!!~gave it to Adam and that is how man's suffering began and the Great Mahayana Wheel of suffering through KARMA was initiated as well~if man does not seek the God that is within himself he will go on and on in his continuous saga to suffer in a desire to be free from all the woes other's voices they give him~if you want to suffer some more keep listening to a homo sapien and you are sure to be lost in eternity~

 ~I am tomorrow man~if that is not the case then what was yesterday?~eh?~

 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...