~I was in nature the other day and noticed how that obeys God”s universal law~on the other hand man has free will and does not obey any laws~what and who do you believe will survive and flourish in freedom without KARMA?”~
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Sunday, September 10, 2023
~Jesus said to Nicodemus that you can be born again?~Nicodemus said that you cannot go back into your mother and come out once more~Jesus said that you can be born again in Spirit~now just analyze this for a second~what does the Spirit have that a physical being does not?~attachment and desire~hence ridding oneself of this one starts to become no longer of the world of struggle and suffering as the wisdom that one takes knows that all is impermanent and nothing is ever owned in this world~once detachment has happened then that one can feel one's spirit~and the match of the same texture one is surrounded by also becomes that spirit within as that one know is the Universe in whole~
~How do you become enlightened and awakened?~You must know the source of your suffering as it comes from ignorance which is the ego~the ego loves attachments to cover itself and be content in a world of its protection~just like a seed that has a shell that protects its valuable fruit within~yet when that seed has been planted and nurtured in good soil its feeling inside says it no longer needs attachment to the shell that protected it all the long~the less desire that the seed within wishes to have the more it slips away from that falsehood from that shell and begins a journey to its own living truth~then once it has cracked it open it no longer needs to belong to that outer world it was prisoner to~it now has successfully awakened itself it always was~its true self~
~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...
~"Zen Master Seung Sahn (1927-2004) was one of the greatest Zen teachers of the 20th-century. And he always taught about world pea...