Monday, May 28, 2018

~Joy is the capital of heaven and happiness is the occupant that lives here with you*

~Those that become miserable are followers of others sharing the same interest in misery*

~ZEN* ~a place that allows you to do what it is doing~almost like it is nothing at all~in fact it is*
~Breathing properly is life's meaning to be here with~nothing else*

~Oh hollow place of the night~let thee from darkness show the light~let me see the midnight passion that is here~opened with my heart with eyes crystal clear~romance that hits my heart and makes me swoon~ever so joyful in love this beautiful moon*

~Stillness has no influence in the externals~you have reversed what you where conditioned to be into what is that you always are*

~Why doth I turn away from who I am?~there cannot be any other way to follow if I do not know of my heart~so puzzled in the direction this has brought me to~that now I am lost in despair right where my heart can see*

~The only way I can see through this obstacle I am staring at is to turn my eyes around and know that how I got in this place is the same way to get out of it*

~Gentle are those things that touch deeply in your heart~let the fragrance of love touch your Soul* very ecstatically*

~We can only "think" in what we believe is there~it is what is there that may not "think" of us in being here~that to me does not give myself substance that instead of it being a reality, it is an illusion to be mesmerized with*
~Death~the only truth direct to our physical being~when our bodies are no longer needed in its suffering we give back this dust*

~It is our ignorance that comes as seeds like from a dandelion leaving the true self naked and alone~how can we express ourselves when we left the most vital part of who we are all by itself?*

~We are not indelible~our images have come and gone~is there such a place that was never created with myself in the middle of its void?~why is it that this life is so far away from what holds on as an anchor of truth but cannot be touch with the substance we live in its lies?*

~The surface never sinks~it is the depths that keep it afloat*

~Death counts the minutes of life~erasing more time from you in its final destination~once that has been crossed over there can never be of time again~as now the memory has walked away of who you were in a place you will never see again*

~A reflection of myself is the twin of what my image is~why must I be so separate in seeing this reflection when deep inside of myself is the twin of truth that is of oneness and not of a mirrored duality~what looms in this place that is so distant that from this mirrored image can never touch my Soul*~how false can beauty be when it is not at home*

Sunday, May 27, 2018

~Happiness is in knowing thyself and the wisdom that is within opens up a land where Amitābha Buddha sits~as in when one that is clear in all in vision then all is direct and from that truths are shown~how else can one ever avoid this and not be happy?*
~One day will come and this physical being will fade away~but just imagine when it does that the essence in the surround is our closest neighbor in merging in its totality and that is nothingness*
~Imagine in quit looking for other people in our lives and finally seeing what the real intent was in being here~and that is looking right at yourself in your own eyes~truly one must see this as a merge of equality, balance, truth and trust~how magnificent to finally know who you are without living in an unconscious state of being lost in a land of eternal variables*

~If everyone has pain in their life and is carrying a burden and wonders why this is possible is because one can view a hub on the wheel when started out~as time went on one did not know of the way to continue in its stability and took on many anchors that did not give that one balance~as instead one became care taker of things and not themselves in keeping balance that one was inherently brought in this world with that wisdom within~hence the wheel went wobbly because that one went to seek on the spokes to the rim and did not stay in that place where everything evolves in their life ~if one is on the correct path as was when one was at youth and knew of their heart then one will continue to be aligned of every single thing that enters their life as what enters their life is themselves without ever making one move~why?~the hub is balance and need no-thing to anchor to its scales as it stays without cause to be home in its origin that knows themselves better~pain and suffering comes from not being aligned in awareness that should be crystal clear *
~Tomorrow is the past that yesterday sought to be*

~Many apples await on the tree~it is up to their own maturity that becomes their own enlightenment~as no other can ever show them this way*
~The moon~it cannot be grasped or even itself to hold onto~it is and that is all*
~Anchor each root from within and let wisdom make the fruits you bear always*
~Keep striving to be ahead and you will always be striving to be ahead~hence one is confused in being present instead~one suffers*

~It is at the foot of a mountain that it takes its first step on a journey being still*

~Drifting further away from the distance that made me come home~when I am on solid land once again then stability will be within myself like a rock that sits still*

~It's only what is inside you that made you see something that outside cannot see for itself*

~Do you feel it the way it feels you?~it's freedom and there is nothing in it at all*

~Breathe only once~then let momentum kick in rhythmically*

~You cannot touch forever~but it knows that you are coming*

~There are no strangers in life~life itself already knows without knowing what is coming~it seen you to be right where you are before you were ever conceived into consciousness*

~Ecstatic tranquility~silence that deafens all*

~The first step towards enlightenment is that there is none*

~Many will wake up with today's problems and hold onto yesterday's situations as well~but yet they are there they are all made up on the wheel of suffering that will always continue until that moment one has let go of being of the world and now being in the world~your life is a hub of wonder for you~not of disparity to follow someone or something else~what is being shown of that world is how KARMA keeps revolving more and more~and to be caught up with that nonsense you are its invited guest to join with~life is the center of all things and it starts within from your heart and Soul*~not nonsense that is something outside of yourself that will always continue as it has for oh sooo many years~correct?~nothing outside of yourself has never been enlightened in the society of mankind ever*

~Let the future seek you and not the other way around~let it have the patience to move closer to you as it knows that being here you have never left*

~The quality of the present is the reality in which already is~if one cannot see what is offered right where one stands then how does one know that there is something better than what the present gives such being any place beyond where they exist?~one should pay attention to where the reality is coming from in knowing that that one is creating this without incident when it is deeply seen and known*

Sunday, May 20, 2018

~Grace~the direct perfection of Divine mathematics that makes the whole correct in all its workings always*

~What is fear?~fear is a displacement in where you believe you are in looking outside of yourself~remember there is more of you inside of yourself than outside~see it this way as it sees you this way as you have nothing to fear as you are more within than without~insecurity is based on more without than within as there is no outside where you are from the getgo*

~Are you too busy in your life to not see your own intuition that instead it sees you?*

~Let your heart flow with its rhythm and you will see the language appear without words~it is called poetry*

~Freedom is love as it has no conditions tied to it at all ever*

~If you stare at it, it comes into you as you~and both what you see you shall be as well*

~When one has clarity in awareness, then one sees where the alignment is taking them indeed~other than that clouds still will appear in front of your being and you will be taken around once more in a circle*

~You can never find peace outside of yourself when the whole world is in commotion~it is like telling a tornado to simmer down or you may hurt somebody*

Saturday, May 19, 2018

~Who is better than someone else has not seen themselves with their own eyes that the world gets very lonely in being number one*

~Someday man will be replaced~he is doing a great job in his own extinction*

~To a lot of us it seems that nothing stands correct in being here~as to some it seems perfectly alright to live in ignorance~lets bump it up a bit and see how when one is dreaming as just before that one wakes up they wish not to leave to but stay but cannot~it is almost like for some reason we feel we have to stay here in the dream but we need that one tiny bit of essence to finally wake up from what is unconsciously wrong and the lie that went with it to keep us there~I do have strong faith that we are awake but we are in that foggy state that we just cannot see beyond this veil that coddles us in its conditioning*

~Let me go out to the world only to return back what has always known me right here~there is no such place out there and never will be~why?~I observe where I am now only to see who is standing in my shoes presently*

~The smaller details add up to the whole~they define everything that is standing out but give no meaning why they are there~they are all placed in your eyes that made them there to see and not explain logically~this is how poetry starts to form*
~Look for no one as what already sees you suffices and defines your life perfectly*
~What really will happen in our lifetime that we can really see who we always were?*

~We all are on the same wave length of "thought"~though we may believe our "thinking" is different from others really it is all the same~why?~we have not evolved into ourselves from suffering and become awakened and liberated from our notions to continue bearing more burdens of the world instead breaking away from them with our "thoughts"~that may never happen in our lifetime as it has continued from many eons from before~so yes we are all the sameness being stuck here on a planet that continues to make us see suffering in the world with "thoughts" indeed~we are experiments to be tested with from an unknown consciousness we are seeking to be rid of*

~Do your best in making a difference "in" the world~finding out who you are is a start*

~Does man walk the path for others in a sense of pride boasting what he has done for mankind or does that man know how ignorant he is that really no one cares but still there is suffering in the world that his ignorance turns away from and only sees that false goodness in what he is doing?~a man that is such does not know of his own wisdom that saves himself as then others will find their way as much as that man did indeed~enlightenment is an individual journey not to be followed by others going through their own hell*

~Where does man look when he sees other things outside of himself that were never his concern?~is it because he is blinded by his own ignorance that was taught to him in seeking judgment to others and not to himself?~is the whole world on trial within his eyes?~then he does not know who he is and probably never will*
~Who are you to know them?~them instead of you?*

~If the world is an illusion and we are of that illusion~then the truth will never be seen as a shadow hides under a rock*

~If you are not at peace with yourself~how do you expect what is around you to look at you in the same way?*

~What piece of the puzzle are you searching for when everywhere you are placed fits perfectly in the consciousness of the omnipresence?*

~Growth comes when one sees the beauty of their own heart~it is love that gives this direction in painting this wonderful picture of abundance*

~It seems a man's shoes knows more about the man than the man does~as they do not search for a journey in seeking who he already is but just knows where to be at all times~how enlightening the present is in knowing thyself*

 ~whatver you are looking for, that to which already knows you has the answer without even having one question about it~amazing that many ha...